Monday, July 2, 2012

Bi-law Enforcement

Piece Officer Animal Enforcement unit was by the house.  Chickens are restricted animals in the city of Edmonton.  $500 daily fine for having chickens.  I took the two hens out to Andrew, with the other 14 baby chicks.  A dog got in killed the two big hens and 5 little hens.  Left us with 1 baby hen and 8 baby roosters.  After all that hatching nonsense we have less chickens than we started with.

Bilaw didn't stop there, separate issue which I am totally aware of and take full responsibility for, I am not allowed to use my front yard as a work shop.  So I had to clean that up.  That was a good thing, I needed a good kick in the ass to clean it up when I get home from work at 11pm.  Also the neighbors house burned down and they are like, "can we just put some stuff in your yard". Normally I would say "yeh for sure, pile your stinky black smoke stained garbage in my front yard, just pick it up when you get your new place."  That never works out well, usually ends with me taking it to the dump when its not picked up.

We did however agree to take the neighbors parrot, until they get a place.  The parrot is lots of fun.  We secretly hope they never pick him up, but hope they do pick him up at the same time.
They had a lot of animals that didn't make it out.  Someone managed to carry the parrot cage out.
The fire was started deep frying french fries in a pan on the stove, then "going outside for a smoke" but leaving the burner on.  Oil reached its flash point temperature, then there's no putting it out.

A quick vid Michelle did of the parrot trying to drink my coffee in the morning.

parrot drinking coffee