Its been almost a week at -35 here. We had a couple of days notice so I chopped a big pile of fire wood and stacked it at the back door, covered by a tarp. The house has actually been really warm, besides the water pipes and drains freezing. The drains freeze in the crawl space, and I believe the well pipes were freezing inside its uninsulated 28" concrete casing. A couple hundred more whats of motor heaters in the well case brought the presure back. Then the tub drain and kitchen sink drain backed up. We left the bathroom sink running, for the last 5 days now since we revived the pressure. We were expecting warmer weather starting tomorrow, but the weather man cancelled that today, so I had to drop a small ceramic heater below down the acces for my bathtub pipes, and in 4 hours the tub and kitchen sink drained.
I bought another beater sled today. We are both really crappy sled riders. You get the 2 of us on the same sled and we just roll it all the time. You have to lean in for the corners, but the sled doesn't lean in like a bike, and when it does lean it likes to tip rite over. If you don't lean it tips to the outside of the corner. It is so bazaar that these crappy 2 stroke engines will start in -35 with one pull of the pull starter. Wile I can crank my truck over for 20 seconds before it will start if it is not plugged in. So I just drive the sleds everywhere in town. I figured out fast that they do not turn on pavement at all, if I have to cross a street, I need to be pointing at my ditch entrance on the other side of the road, it doesn't matter which way the skis point once it is out of the snow. I have had to get off several times, and lift the front end off the pavement and put it to the side of the telephone pole that it seemed to gravitate to. Then once in the snowy boulevards and ditches it drives great.
I included a picture of Jack, the pig. He likes to stand beside, and almost lean on the barrel stove when it is burning.
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