So for those who do not know
I am working with the Two Hills and Andrew RCMP VSU(Victim Services Unit)
Today i finished the last day of my VSU basic training course. It was 2 weekends.
and can now "officially" work on cases.
+ i get a really cool badge.
The training was over all pretty good. And for someone coming into this
w/ no prior experience working w/ crisis, and victims, assault, and death, then this would have been great and jam packed with useful information.
And not to say that it didn't offer me anything, but it was for me, mostly a refresher on prior schooling and work experiences.
Except for the criminal code stuff.........awesome to have that useful information at my fingertips. lots of stuff i either didn't know, and why would i, or had a complete misconception of.
Also As a result of this Volunteer Position, i am being sent away on all kinds of additional training, and i have already completed my Child Sexual Abuse Certificate.
Which I kinda already have from my schooling at GBC, but never hurts to get again.
Aside from all the info being taught and absorbed at the training, i met some amazing people. 1 of whom is a female RCMP on light duties as she is pregnant. And who will be taking me out on a ride along in roughly.....3 1/2 to 4 months time.
but I'm sure I'll be doing that through my own detachment before then.
That's about it for my exciting news.
Well that and our newest member of the family,
our miniature pot belly pig, Jack.
But he will get his own blog posting later this week,
as soon as i have a picture to post too.