Michelle's previous post refers to babypips.com which I recommend to anybody that wants to start trading currencies. I paid a lot more for the education they provide for free. My forex blog has not gotten any attention in the past month. Once it has more of a purpose and I have my forex club more together I will post a link to it.
Michelle's picture of Andrew painted quite a dreamy picture. I almost left the house, to walk to main street to see the blue sky's. But this is a view as soon as I step out the back door, everything is covered in snow and whore frost, and its -25ish. This is really the neighbors yard, but he dissapeared rite after he bought the lot. He told me I can drive through his lot, and I have taken full advantage of that, with a sled track around his lot rite now, it might as well be our property, but we didn't have to pay the $30,000 that it recenty sold for.
The chickens are doing well in their insulated dog house that Cosmo snubbed. We know their water has frozen over when they come out of thier house in the cold and eat the snow, wile they stand on one foot, and alternate cold feet on the ground. Everybody finds a way to survive the cold.
House is going up on the market in June, we should stand a good chance of selling it, because it is the bottom end of the market. I have been buying and selling stuff on Kijiji, and it seems like everybody is leaving Alberta. But nobody has anywhere better to go to, they are just moving back into moms basement in Saskatchewan, or Manitoba, or what ever, but they are all renters as far as I can tell. Not to say home owners aren't leaving too, because there is a glut of stagnant homes on the market rite now. Hopefully the weather cooperates at some point before June so I can paint the barn and clean up the yard.
I have been messing about with live web cam feeds, I have a cam on my note book which has a 'URL' which can be seen by anybody with that URL, as far as I understand. But I am having trouble setting up the 'kitchen cam' on the Tower computer. The whole purpose of learning this software was for the kitchen cam, because we have this ungrateful 18 year old staying with us, and we told him he can't have any friends over, but yet he keeps trying to figure out when we are both going to be out and repeatedly asking Michelle, then me if he can have someone over. Our house is just about too small for 2 people, don't ask me how we ended up with 3 living here. He is as sneaky as a dump truck, you know he is going to have someone over, and he will open the curtain to the driveway window, so he can watch us pull in, and push his friend out the window or what ever. It would just be fun to go to the bar, and watch with all his friends at the bar on my lap top as he has someone over. Then we can sneak home, park on the street, and bust him, all on live web cam, I just think it is pure comedy.
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