So if you follow our Blog at all, you will have noticed that everything seems to be "Drama" for Malcolm.
And yet i am presumed to be the "Drama Queen" in our house. Go figure.
And re: the title of my little rant today.........
Well i was on one of Malcolm's websites, more of a 4-ex online support group / bitch fest really, and one of the user names that a member had was
"Pip'in Aint Easy"
And i love it.
But that having been said, it is also true.
I have tried to understand better what it is that Malcolm does and wow it really is hard.
Or at least stressful.
So this is the new hair.
I needed change, again. and i like it dark in the winter.
not sure yet, but i may go for some high lights in the spring.
Hey lance!..........what do you think?
Anil? Feed Back?
Leading right into the rest..........My day job,
For those who dont know, I started working for The Elk Island School Board as a Substitute Educational Assistant ( Teachers Aid ).
I work mostly w/ kids who have behavioral and or cognitive issues.
And i started school w/ Athabasca University in the BScHS program and have started my first class, Bio.
I love it.
But also I took on a Pub Job.
Bartending at the local. Its fun and the tips are good
Tips are always good. :)
So i am ridiculously busy, but that is what is keeping me going.
That and knowing that Malcolm and I are Coming Home (Toronto) for the whole summer.

If you have ever wondered what Andrew Alberta looks like.....
This is it.
No really...... this is it.
This is Main Street. In the summer of course.
In the winter there are Skidoo's Parked on the road too.
They roll up the sidewalks at about 8pm every night.

This is our Tourist Attraction
A Great Big DUCK
People come from all over...............................
To see our Big Duck.
Did I mention I was coming home?

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