I found a use for my outboard motor, in Alberta, hence the picture. Notice it is outboard powered. So next time I get to Victoria, I will haul my outboard back, put my speed boat up for free on usedvictoria (guaranteed gone) and haul the empty boat trailer back to Alberta.
I am creating some web sights to make some extra money. Although so far they are just expenses. It is a project I could do in Toronto. When I have a sight worth looking at I will post links. Michelle has accepted a job at her favorite school, starting today actually, but part time for the rest of this year. Then next school year would be full time I think.
The verbal spontaneous agreement was that we would go to Toronto for July and Aug. I expect we will have the place all cleaned up by then and put it w an agent for those 2 months, for sale. Selling it our selves is not happening so far.
I received my Electrical Masters certificate in the mail on May 25. I was very happy about that, but there is no indication of marks, nor a wallet size card. I don't think it is as hard as it used to be, just less than 70% of the people pass these days. I presume that doesn't count the folks that drop out of the prep class. I think there was only 2 or 3 in the class of 20 that dropped out. But one of the drop outs was your hard core 424 union member, always ALWAYS wearing 424 shirts and hoodies. There really is no such thing as a stupid question in class, just stupid people, he proved that.
And just when I thought I reached the top of the electrical food chain, they offer me to come take some ECA courses and join the Electrical Contractors Association. Irritating.
Internet has been crazy, not working all the time. I finally got them to come by and replace the part I suspect to be the problem, and now my lap top will go online, but Michelle's won't, and the other lap top is all together dead. I briefly wanted to be a service guy for the internet company till he told me his pay, and shift for that day. He gets $20 for a service call, and they gave him 2 calls that day, one at 9 am one at 3 pm , and very far apart, distance wise. So it is prolly a 6 hour day w all the driving, for $40.
I have a big electrical job to do for a friend out here, installing heaters in their house. I have to bid that, because it is a good friend I won't make much money on it, but I can get to her house by dune buggy, without traveling on any pavement, so I will have some fun with it, and get a better idea how much it costs me to do stuff, for quoting jobs. I am not very good at that.
I have given up my office/man cave, to Michelle, so she can finish her school work and all. I am building another new office, with a larger window that faces south. This one has a very poorly finished concrete floor, I am not sure what to do w the floor yet, but it will probably involve self leveling cement, and I would have to heat it.
Rachelle took her rototiller back, so I talked my buddy Darrel out of a rototiller from his scrap yard. I left him the old worn out 5hp, and i am adapting a 120v motor to it. So far it will just be to till in between our rows of vegetables. Which I guess isn't needed so much if we go to Toronto for the summer. I also started a fun vegtable project w the old digi camera. I permanently mounted it to a fence post over the garden, and take a picture every day when I water it, to eventually make a 2 min video of 4 months of growing and picking veggies. But I guess that won't work out. Chris would take 8 picks for us on the weekends, wile we weren't here, but that will be missing too much.
Big camping trip this weekend, really the first time we have used the camper we bought. It has a toilet installed, but no water pressure yet. I think there will be 5 campers for the weekend, I kind of lost count. I welded up a spare tire mount on the back of the camper, so we don't forget it. Despite the laws forbidding us to tow a trailer behind a trailer (only trailers behind fifth wheels are aloud), I welded a hitch receiver on the back of the camper. Some fascination w towing I guess. All that time was not wasted, as I made a cooler holder that goes in the hitch receiver. Going in the camper for another beer is a hassle. Putting the cooler in the back of the truck creates all kinds of pinch points between the camper and the truck, that drunk people shouldn't have to deal with, and the tail gate won't come down with the trailer hooked up. I am sure there will be lots of pictures and video this weekend.
Still haven't got more chickens, pig or nothin. Though the neighbor had shitsu cross puppies, and I think Michelle really wants one, that would be in a few weeks they are good to go.
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