The insulation guys just don't have time to come out here to Andrew, and if they came for just our small job there would be a $200 transportation charge, which is understandable, they are coming from Camrose. Very soon you won't be able to get a 2wd truck into the back yard, so I had no choice but to do it myself. I got 50 bags, and a blower on my truck, hired a local kid, it was going to be easy.
Well the local kid didn't show up, so I called him at 10am, and woke him up. He said he would be rite over. Then I had to call him again at noon, when he still wasn't here. He said, "well, your only paying me $15 an hour, and it will prolly only take 2 hours, its not even worth me coming over for that." I told him I had $50 for him and that still wasn't good enough, he said he would be rite over if I gave him $70, lil bastard. So I agreed. Then he comes over and he's all talkin about feeding the machine slow, and I am like, "I am paying you $35 an hour at this point, you are going in the attic" I was kinda pissed, that he had said he would come, and then just pulled that "I want more money, a lot more money" on me.
We got it all done in 2 hours and he went home.
I am lighting the first fire of the year today, I wonder if it will heat the house much faster?
I found a solution to my Lenovo sound card issue. Was actually from a windows media trouble shooting suggestion. My Lenovo won't even play DVDs silently, as it has a sound card warning, it just says there is a problem w the sound device, and won't play. But I found a USB sound card that might work. I ordered one on Ebay for about $6 I really hope it works, then I don't need to buy a new computer yet.
My truck had another suspension air bag rub through and leak, now it sits all crooked with one bag inflated. They don't contact when they are inflated all the way, but then when they are deflated they rub, and perhaps with a big load on the truck they squish out and rub even worse. Maybe I will have to make new mounts for em. I will have to get on that if I want to tow the camper anywhere.
Looking at houses in Victoria, we can't seem to agree on much. We will have to go to the bank and see what we can get for financing. I am not really excited to move to an apartment, so we are trying to avoid that, and looking for a house we can buy.
More talk about Mexico, and bringing the camper down there. That would be an immediate solution to having a place to stay. So we might do that, and leave the camper on the lot in Porta Vallarta. If that was the case, I would leave a week or two before Michelle, in the truck and trailer. Then probablly stay a week after her too.