Thursday, September 3, 2009

Computer battery rant

Lil video of Gus, cause he is so cute.

I have bought 2 mini lap tops now, thinking that the batteries would last the advertised 6-9 hours, but they don't at all. They only last 1/3 that time at 2-3 hours, so I returned them both. The second one I specified that it was coming back if I couldn't get just 4 hours, 2/3 its 6 hour rating. I asked if there was anything special I needed to do. It only lasts 1/3 of its rating with no accessories plugged in nor turned on, just typing a document. Unless you dial the screen contrast down to the minimum, as I read in my internet searches for the truth. Laptop battery life is a farse.

I got 20mpg in the truck for the trip to Victoria, which is amazing, and that is on propane, so its a cost of 30mpg in gas.

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