Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Started The Trailerable Backhoe

Picked up supplies today, for various jobs.  Also spent a few hours at the scrap yard, picking out usable steel for my back hoe project.  I purchased over 800lb of steel, and the thing is only supposed to weigh 1000 lb.  Anyway, my plasma cutter is just brilliant.  I don't know why anybody uses the old oxy acetylene torches any more.

A fellow Youtuber built a similar trailer able back hoe, I tried to embed his video, but he doesn't allow embeding.  Anyway he says he spent $5600 and 25 weeks building his hoe.  I haven't priced out the bronze bushings and mechanical tubing, but I keep coming up with a price of $2000 for almost all the steel and hydraulics.  I was a little shocked at his estimated cost, but we will see what mine costs in the end.  I expect it to take me a good 6 months to build too.  Welding is about the only thing I can do in winter, outside in my ghetto garage, helps me stay warm.

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