Monday, June 6, 2011

Toro Stunt Driver

I have a lot of work to do, wiring expensive houses.
We just trenched the longest most difficult trench ever.  650' through rocks and clay.  Every day the trencher broke, and I was off to the tractor shop at 8pm spending another $100 on it.  It was a good thing it was a work shop we were wiring, because we put it to good use fixing the trencher in there every day.  I got to know the trencher quite well, we had it in little pieces.  If I had replaced the cutting chain ($1000) I'd say I have a new trencher now after all we replaced.  Perhaps I will get time to put a video of those repairs later.

For now a fun video, cutting the grass in Andrew.  The video started with Michelle hitching a ride on the hood of the tractor from the back yard, then she just carried on cutting the grass.

1 comment:

Stuff said...

lol with the rain we have had down here in SE sask there is plenty of lawn mowing this year!!