Saturday, November 20, 2010

Iphone Is Still Smashed

My touch screen on the Iphone 4 works surprisingly well still, wile all cracked.  It is only $220 to have Apple replace the screen for me, but it takes an hour, and they are at West Ed Mall.  I hate the WEM.  The thought of spending an hour there, even if I had an hour, I think I just swallowed vomit.

Had a sweet black ice recovery in the old astro van last week.  Hauling the big trailer, and trencher, up the hill out of Fort Saskatchewan's river valley, I hit black Ice and did the van ever kick out, wile the trailer helped push it along.  A little excessive fish tailing, and I recovered.  There was no other traffic at the time.  I had to use all of my lane, half of the oncoming lane, and the shoulder to regain control of the old rear wheel drive piece.  That's with feet rite off the pedals, and going up hill.  Good times.  The trencher was tied down, somewhat poorly, cause its in a fully enclosed trailer, but it was still exactly where I tied it.

I went out hunting w a friend from Andrew, Saturday morning.  Rifle hunting is only for the month of Nov out here.  I was surprised how many people were driving around early morning hunting for dear.  We scoped out a couple of Doe, but wanted a buck, for the rack I think, and only had one tag.  So no bullets fired.

Its darn cold here now.  Somehow a lot of my jobs are outside.  I am going to change that rite away.  I think I will just have to charge more to do outside work in the winter, cause it ends up being really slow, and uncomfortable.  The trencher stopped digging last week, cause the ground froze.  It really happened over night, would dig one day, then not the next.  I have got 2 weeks of work ahead of me, and still more coming.  I would like to shut it off for some time to go to Mexico, but I don't quite know how to turn it back on again.  The flow of work that is.  I haven't gotten to do anything cool lately, besides wire stuff, for other people.  Thats not that cool.  I am taking Monday off, and I still have to meet a difficult inspector.  Maybe I can get my "proximity" alarm wired in the driveway wile I wait for him.

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