He went to the local groomer, and this is how he came back, little fatso.
I acctually had some little punks come over today to look at the Bronco, for the Andrew mud bogs. It was hidden away in the back yard, but they had seen it before wile I had it on the street for sale, and they talked to Michelle at the bar
Michelle is a little upset about her new job. She recently said she would take the office gig at Lamont High School next year, and they asked her to start a few weeks back. Leading her to believe she has a full time job. The principal really wants to see her there, but he posts the job to be professional. Another EA wants the office gig, and she has worked at Lamont for a number of years. The seniority is not a higher quallification for the job, but the principal is committed to keeping everyone happy. There is a good half dozen reasons Michelle should get the job and another opposing half dozen reasons the other EA should get the job. We find out as soon as next week, who gets to work at Lamont High.
I am secretly happy about the whole deal, and hopping she doesn't get the gig in Sept. Then I would work my evil genius plot to postpone the Toronto trip a month or two into Sept. Michelle could run her summer program here if that was still offered to her. We could go strait from Toronto to Mexico in the end of Ocotober, for Day Of The Dead, and do the Eastern tour on the way down. Then we could return to Alberta around March/April and hope the snow is melted. Good times.
I had to go back to the church in Minburn and finish up a couple of things yesterday. I installed a door bell, range hood, dishwasher and added one receptacle. They actually have the new owner moving in today. That is Ludicrous. This home is beautiful, but the area is 2 hours from anything. The reason it sold so quick, its lease to own. I believe I will do that with this place when we are really ready to sell it. For now it is a place to live and a cheap storage locker the rest of the time. I have decided not to sell it until we own another place to move into. It is just not worth randomly moving stuff to who knows which province.
I was a bit pissed with computer techs at Staples, and they made me feel a bit smart at the same time. I got a Trojan virus in one computer, in the system32/logon file, and let the antivirus delete it. Mistake, don't let the antivirus do anything about any widows/system32 files. The computer was then destined to never log another user on again. I would log on, and it logs me out as fast as I logged on. I spent a day trying to fix it and failed. Thought the hard drive is 3 years old, destined for the junker soon anyway, I will buy a new one and start again, Then all my data is still there in the old drive, should I chose to recover it. But the computer wouldn't recognize the hard drive, so I took it to staples. They couldn't get it to recognize the drive either, so I felt good about that. At the same time my other computer hard drive had packed it in, so I haven't been trading or anything the last month or 2, dealing with all the computer drama. I haven't finished my new office yet either. It would be nice to have another 3 weeks here to get the office built.
I just started work today on a blade for the back of the dune buggy, to plow the drive way. But I will put that on hold until I know whether or not we will be here in the winter. I had also put an add on kijiji for a tired old snow blower wanted for electric conversion. I got an email rite away, but when it came to give away time I guess the guy had second thoughts.
I have found 2 places mice, and potentially bigger critters dug under the foundation of the house. All I really needed to do is look. I have those holes filled with rocks, and I do want to put rocks all around the house, but that might not happen quickly. However we might have the pleasure of coming home to a mouse free house after our next trips.
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