This is Gus, our new puppy. We rescued him from the neighbor Who's dogs had 5 puppies.
What I thought was a kennel that we bought in Edmonton for $10, Michelle knew was a large dog pen. I will call it the puppy prison. That works out great, cause Cosmo is not into sharing his little house yet.
Behind me in the picture is my new office section of the barn. The window I had just put in a few weeks ago, a nice used wood framed double pane window. It was exciting cutting a hole in the wall with the chain saw. Inside I still have lots of work to do, but I do have drywall up, and the 2 walls that my glorious corner desk are against are mudded and painted. The other walls and cieling need mud and paint. Wile the floor is a very uneven concrete, and I need to install a second door in the entrance/mud room I created. When we get back from Toronto I will install a fire place in my office, some tile around the fire and in the entrance way. The rest of the floor will get a heated mat, skim of concrete, and cheap laminate, after I finish the drywall and doorway. But even before that I am expected to frame up a sub wall in the house basement to insulate it all, and install heat down there. I need to go to the city and rent an insulation blower, and blow in a couple of truck loads of insulation into the house attic and office attic. There will be one Electrical job waiting for me when I get back from Toronto, retrofitting baseboards all through a customers house that has no furnace, similar to ours. The other two jobs I had lined up will have to be done by someone else wile I am gone. Toronto will be like a holiday for me.
I am working on several web sights, I am too spread out, I need to concentrate on one until it is finished. They will eventually make me more money than I made in Ft McMurray, but most of all I just love making them. They are going to be mostly education based, to teach and help people. That is so much fun because it forces me to explore the subjects much deeper, and justify that what I teach somewhat. Or just ask myself why. So that all makes me feel smarter.
When you start looking for product to sell there is really millions of possibilities. I will likely just see what sight readers want, and research the best options for them. One sight will be a fuel miser sight, with information and reviews of biodiesel, and hydrogen kits. I will convert my pickup to run on water/hydrogen. This process appears to be mostly electrical, buy not to be confused with hydrogen fuel cells, H2O is converted to HHO with electricity. Then the HHO is just injected into the throttle body of the truck, which has the effect of increasing octane and reducing the fuel needed, effectively doubling your fuel mileage.
Hydrogen fuel cells take hydrogen and run it through hydrogen batteries, essentially,then electricity is created. That electricity can be used to run an electric car. I might just have to make an electric car web sight now, as I think of all that.
I have put advertising up on this blog. Although it was more just for getting the accounts all set up, as there will be no traffic directed to this sight, besides the dozen or so people that read it. But I get paid just the same if you see something of interest advertised on my sight and you check it out. That amazes me. I have found many people online that make a fine living just from advertising on their web sights that were totally fun to create. Even if traffic was directed to this blog, there is no niche market, just random subjects, so advertising subjects are all over the map, and probably irrelevant. Exciting stuff.
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