Monday, October 11, 2010

Redwater Trails

A Map Of Redwater Dunes
Did say I  that I got the Dazon buggy locally here, for half the price of new?  We insured and registered that machine, and took it out to the Redwater sand dunes yesterday.  The dunes were great, and better than I expected for tours.  There was well marked trails, with a map in the parking lot.  I tried a different "staging area" in the sand, and got the van stuck.  I almost had to pull the van out with the dune buggy.  But some back and forth, getting a run at the soft stuff, got us out.

I went over a scale the other day, within 20lb of maximum capacity :).  I had a Hub failure on the back of the minivan anyway.  I purchased new bearings, and they told me, "Voyager, Caravan, exact same bearings, hubs ll be the same".  It was a beautiful day, with the van on blocks, I took the motorbike to the wrecker.  There are a lot more Caravans, and that was the first thing I came across, so I pulled a rear hub.  It came off with the drum and wouldn't separate without a hammer (limited tools on the bike).  So I purchased it as a drum, $20.  Got it home, put it on, fit like a glove.  went to put the wheel on, nope, caravans have a bigger bolt pattern.  Fortunately it was the same as the ol Ford Ranger, so I got the Ranger spare to fit.

Here is a picture of the new Dazon buggy on my "tent trailer" flat deck, and the van with a Ford Ranger wheel and tire on the back.
Other recent events:
I am almost recovered from hanging on to a telephone pole with enough strength to hurt myself.
Michelle hit a fox on the highway, totaled the front bumper of her car.
The 2 seater for single seater buggy trade has fallen through.
The new house has an MMA place across the street, I will take some classes.

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