Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween neighbor

One of our many crazy neighbors, in Edmonton.

The new van is getting outfitted slowly but surely.  When I got it, the back end was relitively high compared to the front.  Its pretty much loaded now and its just leveled out, so I shouldn't have to add air bags to it.  If I wasn't so desperate for a van same day I would have got the Astro van for a lot less than $1000.  It blows fuses like popcorn.  No big deal, electrical issues, but it is a big deal when its night time and I have no lights, its raining and I have no wipers.  Thats all fixed now, but sheesh.  The gas mileage is half that of the minivan. I always wanted an astro van, now I can't wait to fix the Voyager, to get my good (VW diesel) mileage. 
I made a trailer hitch, out on the street, till 4 am, welding and grinding away.  No complaints yet.  I had to get a hitch welded up so I could do a trenching job I booked before the Catastrophic Voyager failure.  I'm trying to get vinyl cut out for the new van, I feel like the name on the van is where I get all my work from, though I don't really know where it all comes from, but I keep getting more.  Flat out this week.

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