Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hacked Blog

My Blog was corrupted for a couple of days there. Turns out the hit counter gadget was hacked, and completely redirected traffic from my sight to some advertising. The gadget is removed, now the blog seems to be back to normal.

I thought it is kinda silly to go out and spend $2000 on a 5x8 trailer, especially when they don't have 6' of head room. I might as well use a minivan. I really wanted to do this Chrysler minvan up w the VW diesel for road trips, but fact is it has more space than the Ranger, so it just makes sense to use it for work.

On the way home I found it needed a new drivers seat. Everything else is great, one low beam headlight burnt out. I put a new seat in, had to weld some mounts. I have gutted the cargo area, and I will weld up shelving and a head ache rack in the next couple of days. I might need to make some air bag mounts under the back end to help support all the weight.

If it keeps warming up I will paint the company name on the side too, with my number and the infamous "dead" looking possum. Probably paint that stuff in yellow, then maybe paint the rims yellow, or that might look tacky, I don't know, it would get more attention though.

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