Friday, April 30, 2010

Backed Up

Once a week isn't working. I do lots of cool stuff video it all and it never goes up. The original idea was to make a nice back log of material, so if the unexpected happens and I can't do cool stuff for a month or 2 I still have videos to put up. As I learn more about editing, and youtube changes, allows new things, the pre made vids are no longer my best work. So they end up not going up. So I am back to the random schedule.

I figured some interesting stuff out on Youtube. Firefox has an add on that refreshes your screen every 5 seconds. People use that to give a video lots of views. But what I found interesting is that youtube views only count if they are from logged in youtube members.

I got this weed eater from the dump, 4 years ago. I always had the intention to put it on a bicycle, but only got around to it now. It was really easy, just took a few hours, but the planning took 4 years.

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