Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A few random thoughts and opinions

I have a mental video block now. I can apply again for the Youtube partnership (only once every 2 months) so I want my next video to be legendary, before I apply. That way if they bring up my account, my best video appears first. That has caused me to seize up a bit.

I have been hearing back from the Kijiji guy, daily, about trading my Hammerhead dune buggy for his Virogo 1000cc motorbike. That deal will happen this Saturday. It seems like a fair deal. I see 85 Virogos for $3500 all the time, and this one has all the extras that put it into that range. That is really all I expect to get for the dune buggy.

I just watched a 2 hour video on the new Iphone. I think they have addressed my #1 issue with smashing phones, with the 4th version of Iphone. Apple makes out like the glass screen is scratch resistant like glass, but bends and takes impact like lexan. They have so much faith in the glass they made both front and backsides from glass. They have also put an exceptional video camera, and video editing software on the phone, with better battery life. I was attracted to the Android phones, cause they have an SD slot, so I can take the SD card from my video camera, and put it in my google phone, which is then tapped into my google accounts. But now I think I will have to get the "more durable" Iphone, because its smaller, plus it is the best video camera/battery life/and all I would own. But not out in Canada till July. I will see if I can pre order one.

I have been asked many times, what the purpose of Twitter is. I will say, I don't really use it yet, but I will. It is all marketing.
Personally, besides marketing, I'll say its great to reach out to my favorite radio personality, when you couldn't get through on phone lines. Someone is skimming over their twitter, and if you have something good to say, it gets noticed, and mentioned. Where as the busy signal doesn't discriminate, doesn't matter how valuable your comment.
However the real value of Twitter is to make a niche targeted list quickly. Because of the ability to search out comments related to your specialty, like lets say forex. I can even automate Twitter to follow anybody that twits the word forex, and invite them to follow me back. You end up with a focused group of people interested in forex products.
But I am all over the place with my interests, I can't keep the same topic going for more than a few days, so nothing in my life is focused yet.

I applied for a job in BC, at a mill, with "Red Seal Recruiters". Never heard back on that job, but the last 2 days they have been calling me every day about some different job, so far a permanent job in Fraser Lake, and today a temporary job in Newfoundland. Newfoundland is a union strike situation, 4 weeks on, 12 hour days, 7 days a week, 1 week off. Lots of overtime, though its only time and a half, and it is calculated after a 44 hour work week. It would still be a good $10k a month, to get me back on track. Do I want to sell myself and lose another summer like that though? On the negative side the Newfoundland unions are notorious for taking things too far. I believed they have derailed trains of non union workers, killing people. I have also heard about them burning new buildings down, that were built non union, where they felt they should have been union. I would enjoy a trip to Newfoundland though, even if it was just in camp.

Here is another crappy sort of video of my broken phone.

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