Sunday, August 8, 2010

1920 Cat Vid

I am back on fence construction, since Gus has found a way out of the crappy old fence. I was going to take the roosters back yesterday, but its a bit of a drive, and I didn't bother. Then I was glad I didn't get any new chickens, because they were crossing into the neighbors field wile I was working on the fence. All I had to do is yell "chickens" and they come running back. They think I am going to give them some french fries. As they were pestering me all day for some potato, one of the roosters got under my fence boards as I painted, and got covered in white paint. Maybe I am committed to the roosters now. But chasing chickens in the neighbors big open field wouldn't be any fun.

I have been noticing on my new weather app, that it is pretty consistently 10 deg c hotter in Andrew, than in Victoria, BC, over the summer. This summer we have gotten a lot of rain in Andrew, the grass is still very green.

Here is a quick vid o my neighbors 1920 cat. He is trying to construct a crazy mechanical hand crank, so he can start it without hand cranking.

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