Picture is of Michelle holding some of the spinich and letus out of our garden. We had an amazing harvest this year, because there was so much rain and all.
-Next week, I will do the carbon fiber, and wood arrow vs the VW video. The shop says their carbon fiber arrows will go through a car. Nobody sells wood arrows any more, I think they are quite suitable for target practice, but curious how they will hold up against the vw.
I found a used compound bow on Kijiji. I really like it, turns out it was hand made, its all wood, with some hand painted camouflage on the front. Shops say its not worth anything, but I think I got a great deal at $60. Its not as fast as newer bows, coming in at under 200' per second. I am happy about that because they tell me you have to use the "triggers" with the new fast bows. I kinda like shooting with 2 fingers, and find the triggers irritating. I did buy Michelle a trigger, so she doesn't need to strain her delicate little fingers. I will try and get a video of the trigger next week, cause I don't expect anyone to know what it is.
Its been crazy hazy smokey out here the last 3 days, totally weird, apparently from BC fires. Supposed to clear up today. It amazed me how it doesn't really get in the "drafty" house. Its quite apperent when you walk outside, that the air is much better in the house.
Michelle got a hamster, not really sure why. Gus is determined to eat it. I want to catch a mouse to give him some company. Maybe we can bread some miceters?
For a chicken coop I was going to get a cute little garden shed with a barn style roof, about 7'x7' but it was old, osb, hard to move, needed insulation, a new roof, a window, siding, and all the stuff any chicken coop was going to need. The cost was $300, about the same as the new materials to build the same shed. The day I went to pick it up, a trailer came up, for $50, same as the one we left in mexico. I love having the chickens on wheels. Michelle hates the insulated well windowed camper chicken coop. So ultimately I will likely tow it to the dump, have em knock the camper off and then spend lots of money and time building a "cute" chicken coop on the trailer frame, next fall.
I got excited hearing about video security cameras, the other day. I made the decision then and there to get into installing them. The technology advances so quickly, and at this point I have no idea what I am doing, but you can buy little wireless cameras, the size of a bullet. You can call them up on your Iphone, pan them around from your phone, even talk through your camera from your iphone. I am ordering a couple of cheap cameras from Hongkong, just to figure out the video interface, then I'll find a supplier in AB. I really want to do the 24 hour surveillance of my street, you won't believe the stuff that drives by.
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