Monday, August 16, 2010

I brought my old bow back from Victoria, been having fun with it. I went to buy a bow string, and they told me to go buy another $60 bow, and I will have my string. That doesn't sit well with my anti-consumerism attitude. Sure enough there is a video on youtube, how to make bow strings. Then my old bow is weak, so I started looking at stronger ones. But I think I will make a bigger bow, for fun. I already have like 2 life times of projects, whats another one. I did start making arrows. You can really only buy expensive carbon fiber arrows now, and get this... If I ever get a high power hunting bow, I have to have the more expensive carbon fiber arrows rated for they high power or they will shatter, and go through your fore arm. Wood doesn't do that :) plus cost of making my own, $1 each, compared to $6 each for "cheap" carbon fiber arrows.
Funny thing was, I asked if my carbon fiber arrows would shatter if they hit a tree. He said "no, they will go rite into a car, and not shatter". That was my first target, the VW door. Having NEVER shot the bow before, I missed the door, and hit the car window, which shattered my arrow, and not the window, may have been a different outcome with a more powerful bow. I will try a wood arrow on the window, when they are done.

I installed ceiling fans in just about every room in the house lately. My office is going to get 2 ceiling fans. It has been so so hot, and 10 deg hotter than Victoria. But I did just notice on my weather app, that Victoria was 10 deg warmer this weekend.

The chickens are huge. 12 pound roosters! Those barbecue chickens you buy for $7, are one pound. So they need a bigger house. I am looking for an old grainery shed to make into a chicken house. Otherwise I will build a 4x8 coop, on wheels, a trailer.

The old CRT TV from Victoria worked out great. Michelle feels more at home w a big old TV.

Here is a video of the rooster trying to get out of the chicken coop. Roosters have about 3 pounds on the chickens, and don't fit through the door. I have since opened the door up for them. But you have to understand how much they love french fries. They would come running from anywhere for cooked potato.

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