Sunday, May 9, 2010

Does Premium Gas Make a Difference?

I drove Michelle's CM185 the 65km to Vegreville yesterday. I was really impressed it did 100km/h in a full tuck. There was a point that it started doing only 80km/h, and I was messing with the carburetor trying to figure out what was slowing me down. After half an hour on strait roads, holding the throttle flat out with my smooth leather gloves, the grip just slipped out of my grip and decelerated a little. In Veg I topped up the tank w a whole 3 liters of Premium gas for the trip home. And wow the trip home I could do 110km/h and actually keep up to traffic on the little 185cc bike. I have always felt the premium gas difference on my sport bike, but never been able to put numbers to it like the 185 does.

I got invited to be a youtube partner with just one of my videos today. That is exciting, got me even more information about partnerships. This probably also helps my cause to have my whole channel partnered in a month. Yet another lesson to be learned, it is really easy to piggy back off of others success. My "unwrapping the RC car from kipkay" really tapped into all kipkays viewers and got the partnership request.

My latest video is multipurpose. Firstly it will tap in to the huge "davids farm" viewer ship. But also it will put all my buddy Dave's junk out there to my red neck youtube audience, everything is for sale, and I will take commissions on any sales I bring in. Lastly my friends can see the magnitude of junk I have available to build cool stuff with. A quick example is the lawn tractor front tire I blew out. I don't know where to get a new tire, but a tube would be suitable. Everyone is out of stock of 6" tubes, Canadian Tire had 8" tubes, but they are $20, and the wrong size. I pulled in to Daves hoping he had a tire and rim holding air. Yup, sure did, except he would only sell the match set pair together, two tires, on two rims, for $5. Thank You, made another lawn tractor wheelie vid yesterday w my new tire on.

So this video features the sweet "Snow Scoots" that I really want, but have no justification for getting. Then at the end o the video there is a link to the first video of Daves sled junk, and that is all the sleds. There will be a couple more vids w lawn tractors, quads n motorbikes. But check out these sweet snow scoots.

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