Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Improved Rototiller

As promised the improved rototiller in action. This is my garden, the weather went to hell this weekend and Chris wasn't into doing his place. I have now removed the unit and cut the grass with the lawn tractor.

This video of the tiller is just one of 3 vids I tried taking, but the only one that stored. It was easy to "reproduce" the tilling videos, but yesterday I set the tripod up, with the Camera on my hammock. You see I can't have a relaxing nap any more in the hammock cause chickens fly up and land on me. They like to get on my shoulder and peck at my gold ear rings. Well yesterday, wile I was filming one tried to peck my eye out, not nice. But the video didn't store. Thats it, I bid on a new camera this morning. We got the aftermath blood shot eye on video, I think, haven't double checked. These cameras are only about $65 on Ebay, they take great HD, and if I have another one maybe I will have the balls to take this one apart to see whats "shaking" inside. It could be the rattling parts causing problems.

We came home w fire wood yesterday. The morning started off w a dispute with this guys kid. "oh no you don't buy dads lawn tractor, you fix it for him, so he doesn't keep borrowing mine". I thought sure, $100 I can put a new piston in, he says it has a hole in the piston, no compression. Well I can't believe the stuff people put value on. This lawn tractor, first of all was the 5hp style, cheap small tires. Every tire was cracked, flat, and fallen off the rim. Its been in this field for at least a decade. I never thought I would say it, but it wasn't worth touching. There was not one good part on it, unless you wanted something weird that doesn't wear out, like a steering wheel. It certainly wasn't worth "paying" something for, nor even worth the ridiculous argument with the son, that dad is going to have to keep borrowing your lawn tractor or buy a new one.

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