This is a picture of the weeds in the back yard when we got back from our 5 weeks gallivanting around Toronto.
I first learned about the escalated complaints department from Sheldon, brother in law. He works for CIBC. I am so calling Royal Banks Escalated complaints department tomorrow. Without mentioning previous attempts to send a wire to my trading account, I sent a wire to my trading account on July 29 from Bloor st in Toronto. Other people from Canada get their wires to their trading accounts from Canada in two days. I called my trading company after 3 business days and they had told me funds can take 5 business days from Canada, and I was not to yell at my bank for 5 days. 5 days later I was in Huntsville and I went to the Royal Bank in Huntsville with my wire paperwork. After shrugging me off and telling me that they can't deal with other branches wires, they decide to help me. I find out my wire paperwork was filled out incorrectly and it was rejected by the receiving bank, now waiting for direction. So I directed them to return the funds to my bank account. About another 6 or 7 business days, on the 17th of Aug, we were back in Alberta and I went to Royal Bank to find out where my money went.
After telling me they can't help me with other branches wires, and trying to shrug me off, they find out my wire was returned because it wasn't filled out correctly, so it was corrected and resent, without my consent.
So then around the 23rd of Aug I contact the Bloor street branch by phone, and don't reach anyone, but leave a message. My phone call is returned and a message is left for me saying the funds were never taken from my account and resent.
So this morning I check my account, and funds were removed on july 29, and never redeposited. So this morning I called Bloor street again, and reached someone on the second call. "Didn't so and so contact you and resolve your issue?" No she told me the funds were returned to my account, I just checked my account and they were never returned to my account. So she agrees to leave a detailed message on the machine for me wile I am at work. I checked the machine and she tells me the funds were returned on Aug 17. So I check my account and there is an unknown deposit 8% short of the original withdrawal for the wire. I expect that was what she was talking about, but that doesn't cut it at this point.
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