Just for the sake of having a picture, this is from the Toronto Zoo, from this summer. The sting ray/shark petting zoo. Called something like "Manta Ray Bay" Guess its only the sharks and rays that don't have scales, and can be petted.
I got my air bags from the post office on Saturday, without a bribe or fake ID. Of coarse the saturday woman didn't know me, and I hadn't alerted her to the issue at hand. So the truck is all fixed up now, no more axle hits frame bang, on the bumps.
I decided to pull the engine in the Ranger, and called the blockshop to order up a new motor, and they told me they can't even get parts to rebuild my old motor. I got all discouraged and didn't pull the motor. But not all hope is lost. They figure that Mitsubishi probably used a similar motor in a european car of some sort. Because Mitsubishi made the motor for Ford, for just 2 years, and it didn't sell that well, Ford and other supliers have stopped carrying parts. So it is going to take a bit of leg work to track down the parts, and no doubt they will be expensive. I did find some on Ebay, water pump and crank bearings. But I am not going to spend any more money on it till I get the motor out, get the #'s off it and see what Mitsubishi can do for me. If the European diesel trucks and delivery wagons make it to Canada before that happens, the Ranger might get scrapped, or get a 302 V8 or something silly. I'll start that when I finish the lawn tractor loader this week probably.
Michelle has gone to Kelona for 4 days, this week to visit Shireen. She took the bus, a 15 hour drive, kinda crappy, but same price as driving, just a few more hours. Plus her car really needs new front tires, they are rite down to the steel belts. I will take care of that this week, I had thought they were brand new tires when we bought the car, but they must be the original tires the car came with, cause I don't think she quite has 100,000km on it even yet, and no more than 40,000 since she bought it.
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