Some art work I am playing with for the side of the truck and trailer. Any opinions are appreciated.
Yesterday was almost a disaster. I went to tie in the garage, and some other electrical work in South Edmonton, and electricuted my pliers. I didn't even get a shock w the nicely insulated handle, but I hate having a big notch out of the cutters of my pliers now I have to buy another pair. That wasn't the worst of it though. I pulled in to Tim Hortons for lunch, and I couldn't get into my parking spot. It was slightly up hill to park by the door, the parking lot was slopped up to the building, and the parking lot was sheer ice. With a little back and forth action, spinning the tires like mad, I eventually got up to an acceptable point, and decided this is as good as it gets. I think I just took my foot off the gas and threw it in park, which is normally acceptable when the truck is stopped as it was. But this time the back wheels were doing some 80ish km an hour, when I threw it into park. Well it made a lot of angry grinding noises and then felt like it engaged. I got out and it was rolling backward out of its parking spot. I went through my truck and found the dead low voltage heat control transformer from Kim's place, so I jammed it under the front wheel till I could have something to eat. After eating the truck hadn't made any ground down the hill, and it let me pull the transformer out without effort. So I opened the door and tried pushing it back wile watching the back tire, sure enough it just rolled, wile it was in park. I BLEW PARK OUT OF MY TRANSMISSION! No surprise, it pissed me off that I own 3 broken trucks now, and I was kicking myself for not getting on the Ranger rebuild faster. I drove back to the job and finished it, then drove home, and only in Andrew do I know of another hill, at the railway crossing, where I could try Park again. In hind sight, The differential works the same in Park as it does in drive, only locks one wheel, and so the passenger side wheel was locked and sliding down the ice, wile the drivers wheel rolled over the ice at Tim Hortons. I think its time to fix the emergency brake, and the Ranger.
My Tig welder works great. And now I am thinking next level, had I paid 3x as much I could have gotten a name brand inverter welder, that also does plasma cutting. The tig torch is essentially manipulating a plasma arc, so why can't I just buy a $50 plasma torch, hook it up to my welder and an air supply. Well there seems to be a potential problem starting the arc. Research found a guy, after my own heart, that made his own plasma cutter, and sells the plans for $10 with an affiliate program. I will buy these plans and feature them in the glorious web sight that I haven't made yet. But it got me thinking about cool stuff I could do, and make money doing it.
So I wanted to see if anybody had made a cool heated shirt like me, and tells how to do it. I found a kit available for $35, heated wire and plug, build your own, I am sure I can put th kit together for less than $10. And with a lot of lengthy research I did find a few home made vests, but they don't go into much depth. Now this is probably because the demand isn't there, and therefore the money isn't there. But I am going to give it a go anyway, it is something that I am passionate about and I could not live in a better market than northern AB. Detailed plans for $9.99 or the whole kit for $35. That would be really easy to search engine optimize and be the first to come up in google. With digital delivery, the world is my market. The real fun is essentially getting paid to go on biker forums post my opinions and a link to my cheap plans. This research has also spawned the possible cheap heated floor, and the heated coffee mug that is not in the form of irritating deep hard to clean plastic travel mug. Also the USB heated mug. Exciting stuff. Plus its all electrical, so its all Possum Electric work.
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