I did a second trip to the mall this year, that almost killed me, I hate the mall. But I was really not sure where else to find running shoes. I am very upset that the apple store is in the West Ed mall and will probably require another trip to the mall, to check out the Macs. Hopefully I can postpone that till next year. Point is I got running shoes this weekend. I went for my first run this morning, and wow it was harder than I expected. I ran 2 of the 3 country blocks to the post office. I was out of breath my lungs hurt, and I could feel joggers nipple coming on. On Wednesday I will run all the way to the post office. I feel a lot more out of shape after my run than I did before. It even gave me the hick ups for a few min, not the 5 day hick ups that drinking gives me.
talked to Larry today, asked if I could get paid for work done, and he said "no". Money is too tight till the end of the month, then he intends to get a mortgage on the property, and pay everybody w borrowed money. This the same day as my EI claim ends. I am going to go against my better judgement and put another day in working for Larry and just have his bill ready for the end of the month.
I registered my electrical business. PK Electric was taken, I didn't want to always be stuck w Possum Killer Electric, so I registered Possum Electric, kind of random. The woman at registries didn't believe that it was me on my drivers licence at first. I have gaind 20lb in the last 4 years. But I got er registered. Then I went to the bank and got a business account. And the money starts going out. Business account fees, $0.95 for each deposit even. Then checks are $150 for 100, its $250 for the ability to accept visa/mastercard and thats not including the monthly fees, and the extra .9% they tack on to the 1.9% because I am not paying $70 a month for a machine, and I will do the credit cards over the phone. I feel I should have done all this when I get back from Mexico, but it is done now, kind of exciting. I worked last night, and I will work again tonight, for Larry, I told him I will need 2 checks, since he can't pay me yet. One personal, for up to today, and one business for today and after. I have a visa application in, but I should get a company master card, since Tim Hortons doesn't take visa. Now I have to get new business cards, paint the name on the truck and trailer. I am thinking I will go door to door in a local new subdivision and pass out cards and fliers for finishing basement wiring. The contractors that are building are not interested in finishing basements at all. If I get limited business because the basements aren't framed, I might get into the framing and wiring, might just do it all, but hire out the mud and taping, I know a few guys that do the drywall finishing. But first things first, I still have finishing to do on Larrys place, and mad paper work for accounts everywhere, plus I have to find paper work for the bank. I will include a pic o Larrys house in Veg, that is just about finished.
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