Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fun Neighbors

Yeh check out this pile of crap.  Why do I look at these things.  This Astro van, exactly the same as mine, except the paint and suspension, is up for sale, with a blown motor.  This combined with my Astro crap van, would make the Super Possum Van.  But we all know, I have a truck waiting for its motor thats in the garage, still not completely together, and the Voyager van waiting for its rebuilt diesel motor and trans, sitting in the drive way.  Last thing I need to be doing is buying ANOTHER vehicle that needs a motor install.  I'm still easily sold, hopefully he doesn't call me back, its a sexy van and cheep.
Gas prices are approaching a dollar a liter here, and the Astro van uses almost twice the fuel of the front wheel drive gasoline counterpart minivans.  So I have to get on repairing that old Voyager with the diesel.  That is moving up on my priority list.

I have had a few days off of the duplex, cause someones grandmother died, and the whole crew is related, except me.  Its been nice, I cleaned my van, shot the bow, hunted mice w the BB gun.  Nothing has really changed since I was 15 except I had a pellet gun and I was hunting big rats back then.  I have to get lazer sights for my BB gun, the mice are too fast to get in optical sights, I shoot them off the hip typically

My neighbor Metro gave me a bunch of 1x4's off his farm, now all the canola has been harvested, we could get into the barn.  He was hysterical, at 88, he's going strong.  The guy drives 11 miles out to his farm, alone, with no cell phone, no power out there, 2 wheel drive truck, getting stuck in snow everywhere.  He's losing his balance walking, swinging hammers, prying w prybars, throwing wood around w nails all sticking out, lifting with his back, all at 88 year old speed, but effectively.  I had to really laugh when he told me the wife won't let him go fishing by himself.  This is the same guy, that got his 1920's Catapillar running in the city there, but the clutch was sticky, so when it fired up it started driving, and drove rite over his starter setup trailer, and rolled off the side, planting its self in the lawn like a meteor, and fortunately throwing him 30'.  He didn't find his glasses for a week.  I'll see if I can't put the video of his tractor from before on here.  I got some video of his old farm house too, just another abandoned home stead.  Would you believe we don't have any neighbors in Edmonton, the houses on both sides of us are abandoned, or "for rent", same thing.  Here is Metro and his hand cranking tractor driven starter contraption, again, now totally destroyed, after the cat drove over it.

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