Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Neighbors, Not

We had someone moving in next door!!!  Totally weird, they were moving from the "drug house" 6 doors down. So it was a chain of sketchy dudes walking by the  house w stuff in arms.  We actually sat out on the deck to watch once the entertainment started.  totally random, the land lords daughter pulls up, asks one sketchy dude, "are you moving in here?" he says "yeh"  "oh really?".  Not the guy on the lease agreement apparently.  Well she was just fuming mad.  She came to to let off some steam talking to me "They are so not moving in there?" she says. "that was the guy we evicted last time".  And the drama starts.  Sounds like bout 6 guys wanted to move into the 3 bedroom house.  So after some sweet disputes, daughter yelling at dad "you gave them the keys, let them move in, and you haven't even got the damage deposit yet?" the sketchy dudes were left to move their stuff out.  That was somewhat entertaining, watching them pretty much throw stuff down the stairs, banging and smashing.  So still actually 2 vacant houses on both sides of us, total of 4.   Nobody to complain about our over height fences and roosters crowing.

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