Monday, December 27, 2010


Over 100,000 views of my youtube videos!  I am much more likely to be partnered up now, I just need to apply again.  If nothing else people that watch my videos have made me feel pretty smart.  I also get to help a lot of people.  Most of the help is in comments and emails, but this guy sent me a video, I thought was cool.  This will really tell me how many views my blog gets, cause he didn't have any views, till I watched his video.

In response to that, I have made the DIY Three Point hitch video, hopefully it turns out all rite.  It is of a lesser quality because of the little time I have to do it.

My youtube inspiration Davidsfarm, has been terminated, for violation of youtube's terms and conditions.  Last I heard he was making $14,000 in the summer months, w over 2 million views a month.  I have a ways to go to reach his level, but one day soon.

I got roof racks on the Jetta on Christmas day, wile it was warm.  I will build a trailer hitch this week, just for the flat deck trailer and the dune buggy tow bar.

We had Christmas dinner w a bunch of Andrew people.  The cook is now excited about doing up a rooster dinner, once all the Christmas turkey is eaten.  I have had the bylaw confirmed  "no roosters in the city".  Like the mice, nobody will even take roosters for free.  they are massive and violent.  2lb short of the 14lb turkey we had on christmas.  If all goes well rooster dinner will be next weekend.

I also met a guy from Didsbury who just finished a Lamborghini Diablo Kit car.  Now he is starting a "Little Big Rig".  These things would be a huge hit in AB.  Michelle wants me to build one, and I am of course rite into it, but need to clear up some projects first.
The Lilbigrig kit is somewhat disappointing to me, because it is made to "bolt together".  There is no fabrication, metal work, wiring, or innovation required.  Its something that could be built, and sold, without losing money on the materials, but maybe not making anything for your time.  The kit is a little over $15k, and it requires a donor mid 90's Ford F250 diesel.   Driving back and forth to Andrew with a 7.3L diesel isn't really my style.  When I figure out how to profit form this rig, I will build it.  It would make a great tow truck, or toy hauler.  Maybe I could sell it for a lot of money, it would be one of a kind, and therefor hard to know the value of it.

We have a local guy moving in with us this week, and we are on the list for any last min student to move in also.  Our roomate is a local guy,  Eric.  He is really excited about real estate investing, and wants to buy an income property w us.  I love his enthusiasm.  

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