Monday, January 25, 2010

$50 quonset

This Quonset only cost me $50 to construct because I got the heavy duty tarp, and I got it twice as long as I actually needed. So there is room to expand. I only felt comfortable spacing my tent poles 36" apart. Even with three foot spacing I know it will colapse if we get a week of snow that I don't bang off.

I love the hour long highway drive to Edmonton. It is like meditating, which I have never really been able to do successfully otherwise. I get great ideas, and moments of clarity about otherwise overwhelming subjects.

I know now that I will rebuild my Dodge 360 by myself in the spring, it really shouldn't be that hard. Wile I do that I will just drive the 57. Every time I look at or start the 57 the list is too overwhelming to deal with. But I decided if I just remove the rotten flat deck, put one tool box in the back, do the brake cylinders tail lights, and add some simple gauges I can drive it for a month.

It seems like nothing has changed over the six weeks that I have been gone. With Larry the 4 plex is still on the table, and the Vegreville house is still not finished.

Dave still has a bunch of the same sleds, that he wants to trade for the old 650 special. I just have to go over there w my trailer and the bike, and we got another bigger faster sled, which is crazy cause the 250 is fast enough. 440cc sleds seem to be a lot more common though.

I got an HP camcorder which I just love. It doesn't have the 35 x digital zoom, but it was also less than $200. I love that it doesn't have a shutter, but a large lens cap instead. No external moving parts. But even better than that it has a flash, to take pictures. My first day today with it charged, and it won't work! It says "file error" every time I try to record a lame video of the dogs. So crappola videos for another week until I return this HP.

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