Sunday, January 17, 2010

Owning Land and Working in Mexico

A past Mexican president allegedly sold a lot of land to
California and Arizona, for gold. So now Mexico has made
a rule that no foreigner shall own land within 55km of the
ocean. This is why Ahahi is so American, because it is
more than 55km away and they have released the deads to the
land. Also Ahahi is much more tolerable in the summer
when Peurto Vallarta is 40 deg c, Ahahi is a pleasant 30
deg c. However through the winter Ahahi drops to 5ish
deg at night wile it is warm all night in Vallarta. Ahahi
is the only property Joe owns in solly his name. Mohonara is
in Irma's fathers name, and the "golf course" land is in
the banks name, for which he pays $500 a year to the bank.
They are in trust for him or something, but only Mexicans
can "own" the land.

It is highly probable that any land would increase %20
in value when the deads are released to foreigners. If that
ever happens.

Another thing I can never get strait, after I am up north
for a few months is wages. Service people, at gas stations,
resteraunts, and such, make less than $6 Canadian a day,
that is the minimum anyway. They are basically working for
tips. In construction, someone to just help pass bricks,
mix cement whatever is worth $20 a day. If they have
skills $30 a day. If they are really good $40 a day is a
very good wage down here.

The boys I met rent rooms in a house for $70 a month each.
Joes appartment he is living in wile he builds the house
is $150 a month.

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